SERC Online Media Briefing on Quarterly Economy Tracker (Apr-Jun 2021)
To view Executive Summary of QET, please follow the link below:
QET 2021Q2: Malaysia's Recovery Path: Realistic vs. Hopeful
Related news:
- (i) Think tank maintains 4% growth forecast for 2021
(ii) Pertumbuhan KDNK kekal 4% pada 2021, kata badan pemikir
(iii) 今年次季经济表现关键 智库称经济增长维持4%
The Malaysian Insight 透视大马 - SERC maintains 2021’s GDP growth at 4%
The Malaysian Reserve - Expect economy to kick-off in Q4, says think tank
FMT News - 中总:大马复苏在第2和第3季度暂受挫
东方日报 - 中总:大马出口同比增长31.1%
东方日报 - SERC maintains Malaysia’s 2021 GDP growth forecast at 4% as growth projection subject to downside risk
The Edge - 中总预计国行维持1.75%隔夜利率
诗华日报 - 大马GDP料维持4%增长 中总研究中心:仍有下行风险
南洋商报 - SERC: Msia’s recovery path disrupted as lockdown, rising infections persist
Focus Malaysia - (i) Malaysia should ratify RCEP soon, economist says
(ii) Malaysia perlu meterai RCEP seceoat mungkin, kata pakar ekonomi
(iii) 布城受促加快批准RCEP 李兴裕盼扭转大马局势
The Malaysian Insight 透视大马 - 李兴裕:经济复苏催化剂 政府应速批准RCEP
南洋商报 - 疫苗接种计划加速 经济复苏还看第3季
中国报 - Recovery likely to pick up pace in Q4
The Star - Ratify RCEP fast to spur post-pandemic economic recovery
The Malaysian Reserve - 智库:尽管多数地区封锁防疫 马今年GDP料可取得4%增长
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