SERC Online Media Briefing on Quarterly Economy Tracker (Jul-Sep 2020)
To view Executive Summary of QET, please follow the link below:
Related news:
- (i) Think-tank projects GDP contraction of 4% this year
(ii) KDNK diramal menguncup 4% tahun ini
(iii) 经济增长或萎缩4% 智库预测明年反弹5%
The Malaysian Insight 透视大马 - (i) Budget 2021: Up to federal govt to flex spending power as Covid-19 hits economy — SERC
(ii)【2021财算案】SERC:疫情冲击经济 由联邦政府发挥支出能力
The Edge - (i) Budget 2021 likely to be expansionary
(ii) 李兴裕预测2021财案 有针对性地扩张维持复苏
The Malaysian Insight 透视大马 - (i) BNM seen maintaining OPR at 2020 final meeting unless Covid-19 pandemic worsens — SERC
(ii) SERC:国行将在今年最后一次会议维持利率 除非疫情恶化
The Edge - Give early warning on any new tax system, think tank urges govt
FMT News - 中总预测虽受行管冲击·“马经济明年反弹至5%”
星洲日报 - 2021财政赤字或达5.5%至6%
东方日报 - 大马经济料萎缩4% 明年或强力反弹
东方日报 - 李兴裕:强劲复苏经济 需强大针对性预算案
南洋商报 - Recovery on the way, but risks remain
The Sun Daily - 若2021下半年增长强劲 中总:大马经济有望反弹至5.0%
光华日报 - More government spending needed for recovery
The Star - 免疫情再重创经济 政府受促延长援助措施
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