

SERC Online Media Briefing on Quarterly Economy Tracker (Apr-Jun 2020)



To view Executive Summary of QET, please follow the link below:

QET 2020Q2: Getting the Economy Back on Track


Related news:

  1. 失业率第三季度将达顶峰 李兴裕:稳定工作才敢消费
    The Malaysian Insight 透视大马

  2. (i) 第4季GDP料正面增长 智库:2021年有望增6.5%
    (ii) Ekonomi Malaysia diramal tumbuh 6.5% pada 2021
    (iii) Economy to grow up to 6.5% in 2021, predicts think-tank
    The Malaysian Insight 透视大马

  3. (i) Post-lockdown unemployment rate could hit 6.5%, says think tank
    (ii) Kadar pengangguran pasca PKP boleh cecah 6.5%, kata badan pemikir
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  4. 中总:今年第二第三季料最高·“失业率或达6.5% ”

  5. Political stability is key to macroeconomic stability and growth — SERC
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  6. 采用更低税率及扩大豁免范围 智库建议探讨重启GST
    The Malaysian Insight 透视大马

  7. 3至4% 中总建议政府重推消费税

  8. 李兴裕:大马GDP明年料增长5.5%

  9. 或迎最高失业率 政府受促续补贴工资

  10. 中总社经研究中心预测 大马出口料萎缩11.2%

  11. 李興裕:達到頂峰 料第三季失業率6.5%

  12. Malaysia’s Unemployment Rate Could Reach 6.5% By End Of Q2 2020
    The Rakyat Post

  13. 中总:料今年第3季触顶 失业率可达6.5%

  14. 李兴裕:马股反弹得利 投资者将更愿意花费

  15. 散户大举进场 股市财富可助长经济

  16. 八度空间华语新闻
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  17. 税率定在3至4% SERC建议政府重推消费税

  18. Malaysia’s jobless rate may rise to 5.5-6.5% in Q2-Q3, says SERC
    The Sun Daily

  19. SERC: Reintroduction of GST can enhance government’s revenue
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  20. 商场有员工没顾客 销售仅达限行令前40%
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  21. Lebih ramai akan hilang kerja tahun ini, kata penganalisis
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  22. Perkenal semula GST untuk rangsang ekonomi, kata pusat penyelidikan
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  23. China the only bright spot in Malaysia’s exports
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  24. Think-tank predicts up to 1 million job losses in 2020
    The Malaysian Insight


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