

The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia’s (ACCCIM) Malaysia’s Business and Economic Conditions Survey (M-BECS) was conducted from 16 November 2020 to 15 February 2021, covering the second half-year of 2020 (Jul-Dec 2020) and expectations for the first half-year of 2021 (Jan-Jun 2021), has received 696 responses.

The survey is a good barometer to gauge Malaysian Chinese business community’s assessment and expectations about domestic business and economic conditions as well as their prospects.

It covers questions to measure expectations about the prospects of economic and business performance; the main factors affecting business performance; and to gauge the implications of current issues and challenges faced by businesses.

This survey report is collaborated with and prepared by Socio-Economic Research Centre (SERC).

Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint: Digitalisation is no longer a choice but are you ready for it?


  • MyDIGITAL was launched on 19 February 2021 and is aspired to transform Malaysia into a digitally-enabled and technology-driven high income nation, and a regional lead in digital economy. It is designed to complement national development policies such as the Twelfth Malaysia Plan (RMK 12) and Shared Prosperity Vision (SPV) 2030.
  • The Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint has outlined six strategic thrusts, 22 strategies, 48 national initiatives and 28 sectoral initiatives to drive the growth of digital economy that will have generate positive multiplicative effects on the Rakyat, Business and Government.


Six Thrusts :

        i.     Drive Digital Transformation in the Public Sector

        ii.    Boost Economic Competitiveness through Digitalisation

        iii.   Build Enabling Digital Infrastructure

        iv.   Build Agile and Competent Digital Talent

        v.    Create an Inclusive Digital Society

        vi.   Build Trusted, Secure and Ethical Digital Environment


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