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Joint Research Collaboration Opportunities

Social-Economic Research Centre (SERC Sdn. Bhd.) through ACCCIM SERC Trust is making available research funding for research studies in 2015. The aim is to bridge the gap between research and practice by producing research and analysis that help respond to socio-economic challenges with insightful findings and actionable recommendations.

Institution and qualified individuals are invited to apply for this grant to undertake research studies in relation to economics, business and commercial issues that can contribute to the discovery of new ideas and/or knowledge leading to further developments strengthening the capacity and capability of socio-economic, business and commerce. The grant is provided for the following priority areas:

Economic Transformation and Policies

Investment Facilitation and Government Initiatives

Regulatory and Legal Issues

Trade Facilitation, Supply Chain, Trade Credit and Financing

Human Resources Development, Manpower, Healthcare and Educational Reforms

Sustainability and the Environment

Foreign Trade and International Business Relations

Energy, Utilities and Subsidies Rationalization

Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Development and Facilitation

The amount available for each research ranges from RM5,000 to a limited maximum of RM30,000. Funding decisions will be based on the benefits of the research to provide valuable input to the further development of the areas mentioned above.

The research grant is open to any individual researcher or private/public institutions of higher learning or any other not-for-profit organizations. As this research funding is intended to address contemporary issues and to deliver the priorities, the maximum duration of the study is six (6) months.

Proposals are welcomed from researchers with expertise in the above-mentioned areas. Institutions/Individuals are invited to submit a written research outline together with the application form to serc@acccimserc.com. Please call SERC at 03-4260 3116/3119 should you have any queries on this research funding.